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品牌: 春晨
型号: JBYH
规格: 1-185
25: 33
单价: 10.00元/米
起订: 100 米
供货总量: 10000 米
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 江苏 淮安市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2023-02-09 11:11
浏览次数: 531
Heterophony: in AC electric field, when the electric field intensity reaches a certain value, many people's ears will produce a "buzz" sound. The preliminary analysis shows that this is caused by the periodic change of AC electric field, which produces some mechanical vibration to the eardrum.
Spider web feeling: in a strong electric field, if a person's face is not shielded, it will also produce a unique "spider web feeling", which is as uncomfortable as if the face is stained with a spider web. The reason is the tip effect, which makes the electric charge on the face concentrate on the hairs. The repulsion force generated by the same-sex electric charge on the hairs makes the hairs stand up one by one. In the AC electric field, the hairs stand up repeatedly, which affects the skin and produces a unique sense of difference.
Needling sensation: when people walk on the grass under strong electric field in plastic sandals, as long as the bare part of their feet touches the nearby grass tip, it will produce obvious tingling sensation. This is due to the insulation between the human body and the earth and the potential difference between the human body and the grass tip, resulting in the discharge between the grass tip and the human body.

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